Mobility Design Trends – Wood14 Release
NISSHA releases the new design trend book developed for automotive interior finishes

“New Normal – Secured Cocoon” is the guiding theme for WOOD14
The thought of ‘mobility’ and ‘automotive’ is increasingly changing in terms of roles other than being something for people to get in. Mobility interiors seek to ensure a comfortable, private space, and supporting the tranaroundsport of items. With WOOD14, we can draw out themes from key influences – like greatly changed lifestyles or awareness of the environment, proposing a direction that gives color to familiar, personal spaces.
We invite you to review a short movie that introduces the three themes and a world view of Wood14, at our Nissha Design & CMF website.

Each year, after researching the latest design trends through websites and seminars about trends, and visits to exhibitions in Japan, USA, and Europe, NISSHA’s CMF Design Group selects the themes and produces Design Sample Books based on NISSHA’s technology.
There are three series of Design Sample Books :
- “WOOD Series” (Wood grain and organic design)
- “TECH Series” (Geometric pattern / material design)
- “CMF DESIGN Series” (Design trend)

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